May 28, 2012


Hello, world! Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your time here. So what should be my first post? An introduction is in order here. So, here goes:

My name is Orion. I was given the name O Dog by my boss at work, and I wholeheartedly embraced it. Professionally, I work in accounting. That is what I went to school for. Personally, I'm an avid gamer & technology enthusiast. I have a YouTube channel that, at the moment, contains mostly boss battles from the Mega Man Battle Network series. One day I hope to do a Let's Play series on a game. My favourite series of games includes: The Legend of Zelda; Mega Man (any of the series, but Battle Network is #1 for me); Sonic the Hedgehog; Final Fantasy; and, of course, Super Mario. I have been gaming for well over 20 years, so since I was 5. So I have seen a lot of changes in gaming from the old days of 8-bit NES to now.

So what will you see on here? Mostly gaming-related stuff and various animations/photo editing using GIMP, the free, Open Source answer to the other popular photo-editing software that has now become a verb. You know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed my little intro here. Catch you later :)

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