Oct 26, 2013

Toon Link Smash 4 Pics

Here are some Toon Link pics I edited from Smash 4. Toon Link is my fave in Brawl, and I was so happy to see him return in Smash 4 :D

Original unedited.
Cartoon filter.
Shine on Master Sword.
Loma edging.
Different texture border. My personal fave.
Red Mail from A Link to the Past
Same as above with Cartoon Filter.
Edited tunic & hat to orange.
Same as above, but with Cartoon filter.
Edited the shirt to make it orange.
Same as above with Cartoon filter.
Custom colours per my brother.
Used my favourite background for my personal Toon Link.
Same as above with Cartoon filter.
Custom colours for a friend of mine.
Cartoon filter on my friend's Toon Link
With my friend's background colours.
Same as above with Cartoon filter.

I hope you enjoyed these edits :)

Toon Link is property of Nintendo.

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